We Dreamers

Thinkers, Doers, and Seers.

Creating time to make the world.

Passing between

And knowing that, though truth be a goal

it is only bound to a reality.

Passing beyond a reality of here and now

And truth or fiction have no necessity.

Visualize a peak and climb to its top to

Jump into life.

Energies of here focus

one through to the beyond.


Confused, see the inter-relatedness of life.

But to see we pay the price of the Doer,

Doing a life’s work, like a dream unfolding

And when we return with spirit’s vision

It requires thinking to put it all



Break the chord, See, Be, Do, what is a Life?

Lost in vision, we stop to know.

Thinking straight, we see the curves

Which come round again.


The Vision is expensive.

Energy flows.



We are dreamers,

thinkers, doers, and seers.


Silence enfolds us now.

What the Predator Wants, a Warrior’s Tale

If you ever get to see sheep being herded in a slaughterhouse, the image is perfect for what the predator wants.  Sheep work together and communicate with each other almost psychically.  They gather together in the pen and will often huddle close when being moved to slaughter.  We separate them into individuals from the pack and push them one at the time towards death.  They are alone, unseen and unheard in their final moments.  We learned this from wolves that attack a pack of sheep. They are one of the first animals humans learned to control, but this lesson 10,000 years ago was directly from the predator, the foreign mind, the installed logic of loneliness and fear.  The lie of born alone, live alone, die alone is the false matrix of our culture.

Humans have done just the same to each other on this planet.  To force compliance to a reality that is described as “the way things are”.  No one is responsible; everyone is a victim.  But it is we who have created cultures that separate the individuals from the healthy tribe and force them to submit to the faceless nameless legion of control.  Nowhere could this be more evident than in the institutions of banking and government.   There are no humans in these institutions.  There are unthinking processors of procedures and policies that are elevated to the level of the gods to which all must submit.

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The Ultimate Maneuver

The universe, and for that matter all universes, is filled with unfathomable mystery.  We are bound by the perceptions and conditions we choose every day, often unconsciously.  This Gordion knot of being is something we have tried for years, centuries, to unravel only to discover there is more to unravel.  It is the warrior’s mission, duty, and delight to unravel those mysteries.  We value freedom as a central core but cannot define nor even grasp what freedom is.  That is the greatest paradox.  To seek freedom, to desire it in all its manifest forms is to watch it constantly slip through our fingers.  For it is grasping and clawing and fighting for freedom that inevitably become the net we get tangled in every day.  We are just free.

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2012, Deep Time and Recapitulation

If there is anything that we can learn from the Maya obsession with the cycles of time, it would be recapitulation on a grand scale.  The Maya counted and kept track of 20 calendars or cycles of time.  Many were connected to the pulse of the planets wandering the sky, which they saw with the naked eye; pretty easy to do when you don’t have street and city lights.   The smallest circle of time is the day, and then through a succession of differing times related to number patterns they had a 260 day calendar.  The sun moving through the year and Venus’ transit through an 8 year cycle all contributed to ceremonial cycles that allowed the Maya to reflect on what was, be present to what is and to wonder what was to come.

The long or deep count calendar has a 400 year ticking period with 13 of these adding up to a very long progression of time.  Maya pointed to Dec 21st 2012 long ago for the simple fact that it aligned with events occurring during a reference point in the 9th century.  This was the height of classical Maya culture.  This was a time of kings and shaman dominating the political and economic landscape of the forests.  The Maya had developed many of the things we associate with advanced culture.  The study of the calendar, astronomy and the cycles of time was not the privilege of the many.  It was the few that concerned themselves with this or even understood.  Like today, physicists and astronomers spend hours understanding the universe, but not many average people spend that much time on quarks.  And yet it is the work of those few astronomers that helped the Maya stay in tune with the pulse of time and the cycle of ceremony.

Dec 21st 2012 is an inevitable conclusion to a calculated set of time cycles.  It just marks a tick on a greater scale than a year or a Venus cycle.  But at the same time, the Maya celebrated and ceremonialized specific things when these cycles clicked over to the next start point or to zero time.  They fundamentally shifted their view of the world or attempted to shift to a new paradigm in alignment with these long count cycles.  The last 400 years has seen a number of amazing things.  As a Toltec warrior, I see this as an appointment with power on a global scale, an appointment which requires recapitulation… and one that as a society we could benefit from deep reflection.

The last long count moment, the end of period 12, was 1610.  What an amazing point in history.  Galileo had proved that the sun was the center of the system.  This was the beginning of the real split between religion and science.  But concurrent with this was the rise of the middle class, the development of banking and the idea of factories and industry being a key to doing work better or easier.  Printing and books were developed which led to newspapers.  Energy demands shifted.  It was a lack of wood in Europe that drove industrialists to venture more boldly into the newly discovered territories to create things, which would come back to feed European dominance of the globe.  Though this is a Euro-centric review, it should be noted that it was the Eurocentric model that was exploding across the globe with trade and dominance over other parts of the world.

And so it is the shadow side of European culture that also spread across the world.  The pressure cooker of centuries of dynastic wars mixed with an obsession with the one true religion which in and of itself was breaking apart.  This conflict ridden, self-glorifying, self-important spirit of superiority spread like wild fire across the globe.   It would eventually be adopted by every culture throughout the globe in some way or another.   In 1610 this expansion had moved past its initial stages of introduction of disease to the new world and into pure socio-economic dominion of the world as a whole.   This model of the taker culture in combination with a drive to shift our energy use and abuse has led to the very point we are in with history.  We are a global dominator community.

In the past when something did not work for a culture, that culture died away and the people left to go somewhere else.  They left, moved, shifted and recreated themselves.  The Maya were no different.  They up and left their golden age of kings from which the long calendar was discovered.  They did so for the survival of the very people that were living within the confines of that out-moded pattern.  Leaving a broken system is a time-honored tradition.  The Chinese dynastic succession had a similar pulse.  When the people were suffering too much, the dynasty fell, someone rose to new power and shifted the capital to another location.

Today our global community interconnected by communication lines, commercial global enterprises and global issues of the use of energy and economy is at the height of which the seeds can be seen from 1610.  In essence nothing about those initial stages of the enlightenment has really changed in the past 400 years.  We are simply using the same pattern but now all over the globe.  The takers who spread over the world dominating the earth and sucking her dry of her resources so science and industry can consume our world has succeeded.  The takers have won.  There is nowhere to go.  There is nowhere to leave, run off into the forest, cross a desert, or travel to the next moment to start with a new pattern.  The only way to truly change is to recapitulate the very pattern in the place we are at as a globe.

And such is the real gift of the discoveries of John Major Jenkins the 2012 scholar.  He has found the real reason we need to pay attention to Maya deep time and to the cycle ending date of Dec. 21st 2012.  That we must take a deep look at the patterns of our culture, economy, global banking, the factory model, scientific dominion, and in general what it means to be a human community in the earth.  We need to recapitulate as the Maya did giving up that which no longer serves the greater good of humans and life in general.  We need to learn how to leave, to let go, to destroy so the next cycle can create a new paradigm of possibilities.

Toltecs recapitulate patterns and discover energy that is trapped in old patterns.  We search out that energy to help us re-focus our energy towards freedom and awareness of possibilities.  This critical time offers us a moment to build up to.  It offers us, if we look at it from a Maya perspective, a time to sacrifice that which no longer serves us.  To un-bury the hidden bundle which is deep within the earth (aka our connection to the earth)  and look at our relationship to energy.  Then it is time to leave the taker mentality and create something new, free, more aware.

This is not something that governments and banks and industry is going to do.  No they are stuck in the pattern of doing the same thing because it has worked for 400 years.  It is something that arises from all people individually.  It is a global ceremony of letting go of what does not work.  Voting with feet… or really our energy, dollars, work, loves, homes, values and choices.  Taking the bull by the horns, every person in the world can affect change through seeking out those patterns and destroying what no longer works.  Recapitulate, pull the energy away from those patterns… for it is not the endings which we are reminded of in these times, but what are we going to do with the beginnings…..?

Insanity and Sanity

Have you ever had the chance to take care of an insane person?  As a warrior of freedom it seemed like the last thing that one would want to do.  Insane people make no sense, they have no connection to reality… Right!  Reality.  Perception is reality.  So why not… So I met a completely insane person by societies standards.   He became one of my greatest teachers.

We were out at a park one day walking around the hills and night had fallen.  At first I was worried, would he stay sane enough to get him back to the truck and to his home?  I did not know.  We wandered back to the truck in silence, wandering along the tracks beside the lake we had come to see.  When we got to the truck he became very excited.  I told him, we needed to get into the truck and go home.  He became very agitated and could barely make the door open.  So I opened it for him.  Then buckled him into the seat.  Moving around to the other side of the truck, I got in.

He stared at me,  “We go on a journey now?”  He said as if he were just seven or something.  “I am ready.”  So I said yes, and turned the truck on.  We drove out of the park and onto the highway.  Then he wanted music.  So I turned on the radio.   Dave Brubeck Quartet was playing, My Favorite Things.  He laughed with glee and opened the window screaming out into the night.

I maintained as best I could.  But part of me started to really wonder.   I knew that to question the reality that was coming through his schizophrenia was to destabilize him completely.  So I laughed out loud and totally accepted the road we were on and the beautiful night that was spinning down the highway.  The song is very long in the version that we heard, loads of jazz twists and turns in sounds.

When the song ended, my insane friend turned to me and said in perfectly normal voice… “You know this is really just a big journey.  We didn’t come here to stay; we are just passing through.  If we can stay sane enough, which is not really sanity, we move on in the universe to another more exciting place.  We are all travelers.”  And then he yelled out the window…. “That’s why I love to take journeys!!!”  And he turned to me and whispered, “especially in the car.  That’s my first memory.  Driving in the car to new and exciting places with my dad… it’s all a big journey.  What’s over the next hill?”

And with that he lapsed again into silence.  We drove all the back to his place of residence.  When we arrived, he gave me a big hug.  “Thank you for taking me out there.  And thanks for not judging my insanity and calling me insane.  You know, I’m really not.”

“Yes,” I said in agreement.  “You really aren’t.”  And he really wasn’t.

You see we all have breaks with what we call consensual reality.  It happens often in life.  Stress or fear, or excitement, they all lead us to different perceptions.  Dancing really hard on the dance floor leads to these breaks.  And we are all, in some way or another, insane.  My friend just had the label and he reveled in it.  I never saw him after that.  We drifted apart.  But that night, I knew I was as sane as he was.  “In-sanity we trust!”  He used to say and laugh and laugh and laugh.

Impeccability, the impeccability of the warrior is an insane choice every day.  And it is the only choice we know how to make anymore.  To choose the road we are journeying on and our favorite things to share with another person along the way.


Professional! Be Professional!

Anyone who has worked the system, any system, be it corporate to collegiate to their own business has heard the word “professional(ism)”.   As a warrior of freedom we dare to ask what does this mean?  To sum it up, it is the ultimate term loaded from the false matrix with the predatory mind.  It is a term of pure judgment and self-importance.  Watching the word float out of supervisory techniques, a bag of tricks to managing people, has brought a perspective that is most revealing to a person of awareness.  

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We are if nothing else creators.  The Toltec, the warrior of freedom, is an artist of life and throughout life.  The warrior of freedom is creator creating creation.  When we align with INTENT, we have no choice but to do our art. 

The saddest thing to hear any human say is, “I am not creative.”  The correlating statement is when they go on to relate creativity to drawing or making artwork.  This sadness is not the pathetic sadness of pity.  It is the sadness of the earth screaming in tears… it is the sadness which profoundly sobers a warrior of freedom who recognizes the predator in the dealings of human awareness. 

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“Before all things choose a path with heart.”

Stalker, dreamer, man of action, man of knowledge, assistant, one behind the scenes, northern woman, southern woman, eastern woman, western woman, double, nagual, courier, seer…. The terms we find in the Eagle’s Gift are as cryptic as they can be confusing.  The rule of the nagual is a map and a distraction.  When Carlos Casteneda wrote this chapter whose roots are in the very genetic core of human awareness, it was surely the most difficult thing to lose upon the world.  The warrior of freedom accepts the rule completely because it is a map to freedom and a massive road block to that very walk.

Some warriors of freedom simply reject the very words written there so as not to get trapped by them.  This is a wise move and one directly related to the corruptive workings of the predatory mind.  Like an introduction to the Myers Briggs system or the Enneagram the first stage the initiate falls into is self-reflection.  “Oh, oh, oh, what am I?”  The experience is like a child bouncing on one foot in search of approval.  “Did I get it right, am I being the right thing?”  But we forget, Carlos was introduced to the Rule in a heightened state of awareness where his assemblage point was shifted outside the normal band of awareness.  He saw the rule with detachment and wisdom of a greater perception.  The rule was not and is not a mirror to envision our deepest cravings.  It is knowledge seen by the seer linking him to avenues of freedom.

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A Letter to my fellow humans

Dear Humans,

When I first read your books, your sacred texts of belief, I had no response.  In fact it confused me as to why you wanted me to read them in the first place.  But then again, we are in some way entangled energetically and my love for you and our life experiences together as humans are rooted in the entanglement that we shared.  What I see in these writings now is a lack of connection over a number of years.  And a lot of context is missing from our connection.  The words that you share in your textbooks are beautiful, they are human experience and they are the path that you are on.  I see your struggle with the shadow, an essential part of being human.

I want to share my journey with you because we have shared so much, but fear the words would be taken as a rejection of you.  You may think that what I say is a secret or hidden truth.  This is not a rejection of you or your path.  Far be it for me to tell anyone that the agreements that they have made with the universe are wrong.  They are not wrong…. But I risk to share, for my journey has been in and through this universe traveling the bands of awareness.  I am first and foremost an artist, a seer of life, a sorcerer.  A toltec warrior who has dared to leave the village, the center of the town, the agreements which were inherited and pushed upon me with a voracity of the foreign mind and installed for me to acquiesse to the dominant paradigm.  This was and is not enough for me… because it is fraught with not-enoughness, the best definition of evil.  I see in your words as a push to know the old paradigm at its best, yes at its best it is a brilliant possibility of humans connected in a network of light and joy sharing in the ecstasy of the singularity, we are all one.  That cannot be denied as a beautiful vision.  A vision for humanity which vibrates with the collective drive and essence for the light.

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Water is the most sacred of the elements on this planet.  It is for certain the key to all life on earth.  Where water is precious, the people act and treat each other with a preciousness that can only be found in the deepest well of our beings.  Where it is abundant it is assumed with all the possession of a beast to be consumed in vast quantities of unconsciousness.  Where it is scarce it is fought over and possessed as a value greater than life.  Seeking balance requires seeking an understanding of water as a most precious of elemental life.

In the forest where rain dominates and mold is abundant, the people often cling to each other and feed off of each other.  Where it is a commodity and controlled, people use every ounce of there energy to divide that water into packets of monetary sums.  The entire legal system could be said to be founded not on the ownership of land, but on the resource of water.  Areas of desert, drive one to become a warrior to survive with less.  Areas of jungle there is less appreciation of what we have.

When we look at the founding principles of the greater movements on the earth, consider the roll of water.  Desert religions are violent.  Jungle religions are healing.  One cannot consider that either is better, just extremes of the other.

The people need to find balance.  When they share water, they are sharing a basic knowing of how precious each is.  We need to return to a point when the people lived in balance with water, and then this balance will return us to a balance between each other.  We need to renew our visions of life and the workings of our days to a fundamental truth about water.  Until then, there will be no planetary healing for the mold of man…. The mold will be exactly that, a disintegrating force living off the rot of each other.  Cut to the core, we could, if we are willing to truly change, have more than enough of everything.  Until then, there will be inequities in the system, and abuse at the edges.

Water and all of its power is what the prophesies of indigenous people is all about.  Seek a balance with water.