Mind, Ration and the Curse of Distraction

Organic, the creation of the genome

We no doubt have a problem here.  How do we come to understand the air we are breathing while we are swimming in it?  What gift does our ration give us?  Why do we curse it so much and yet use it so often? 

It would be easy to just curse the ration and claim that to eliminate it is the direction a Toltec warrior moves towards.  The ration is often seen as the sum total of the logic, stories and inputs that we have but are not directly connected to the experience of the now.  The ration spends loads of time making connections, links between parts of its database and coming up with solutions or new stories to solve problems et al.  The ration is wholly within our heads and thus disconnects our energy from the world as it is.  The ration is the voice in our heads which is constantly judging and assessing our world. 

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Reincarnation and the Toltec Path

This squirrelly subject comes up often in conversations especially among warriors of freedom.  Reincarnation, like belief the in heaven or any afterlife which we project forward, is in many ways just a belief.  Belief is suspect for a Toltec. Knowledge is key.  But this does not mean that it does not have value worthy of looking into and there is knowledge to be gain when we see this clearly.  I saw it clearly about 8 years ago when looking deep into the mold of man one night.    

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Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.  Marrianne Williamson

For some time I have reflected upon the book Nueromancer by William Gibson.  The story is of the internet and those that create this global network.  Within the internet are two being, so to speak, that are becoming self-aware.  On one side is the entire databanks with all the information about every human story and drama.  This includes but is not limited to the machinations of governments, secrets and the banking reality but it goes into everyone’s private lives too.  On the other hand there is a self-aware program which, like a virus, is the shadow side of all things within the internet.  Between these two entities there is all of human life.  Things happen, the story moves and is interesting, but ultimately it is when the shadow entity and the data entity of internet merge that this being assists the planet and all of humanity to communicate beyond the limits of our solar system.  There are other planets out there.  Humans as a whole create this entity to stretch to where they cannot go physically.

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The Truth! You can’t handle the truth!

Everything is perception.  Better yet, everything is the manipulation of perception.  We are disconnected most of the time from the raw facts of life lived on a planet spinning in infinity amidst the solar winds of our times.  At one time we were connected to each other as a tribe of small bands of awareness.  We wandered across the land, connected to the land.  We had to be, we were under constant threat from predators who could attack our bands and take us down.

Somewhere along the line we learned and developed how to talk.  But this was not disconnected from our ability to communicate, because we communicated with our whole bodies.  It was difficult to keep the truth of who we are and where we were at because we communicated with our whole being.  We listened to each other with the full range of our listening bodies.  Talking became a way to alert each other across distances, to hunt and be safe from the predators like lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

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The Predator….

“They (the New Seers) discovered that we have a companion for life,” he said, as clearly as he could. “We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so.”  The Active Side of Infinity – Carlos Casteneda.

It has taken me weeks to even come close to writing about this.  Without any awareness, I came into battle with the predator in a way inconceivable to me up until this time.   Intending complete freedom and a willingness to link fully to intent, a group of us intended a leap into deeper freedom and awareness.  Instead of dreaming a new dream, a group of us were linking to dream as it is emerging.  In other words, we were intending by uniting with INTENT such that within our being and beyond our being were united with intent unfolding in the moment or intent dreaming.  It’s subtle, I know, to even try to put words to this act of over a month ago.

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Destruction is an act of creation

Rarely do we honor the power of destruction.  It is in these precious moments of deep shifting, whether by random acts or natural acts or those of our choosing, that opportunity rises to its highest level.  Destruction gathers the strength of the community, makes us aware of the preciousness of life itself.  The artist of life embraces destruction and carefully destroys what no longer serves intent.  For years sitting next to the stream present to life it was easy to find peace and solace.  The act of silencing the mind is an act of destruction for it is the mind which demands control, demands outcomes, demands a reflection back upon itself.  It is the mind that wants to justify its being.  But the mind cannot grasp the beauty of the destroyer.  It can only attempt to hold back the water in the damn with a finger.  Eventually it grows weak and must submit to the overpowering awareness that it is but a fleeting thing.  The mind knows nothing of the reality of being.  It can reflect back only its own sense and creation in vacuum of its being.  We can create with the mind if it grasps onto the flow of life… the ebb and flow of creation and destruction in a great cosmic dance.

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2012 and all that stuff

I love a great conspiracy theory… in fact I lived for and through them.  I was raised questioning the Kennedy assassination, the lies of Watergate, the downfall of the Church to sexual abuse and cover ups, Monica and the dress, and a host of other amazing things like crop circles.  Yet nothing comes close to the frenzy around 2012.  December 21st, the point when we align with the dark rift of the galaxy on solstice… even though we have been aligning with it for generations, just not in a grand cross and with such an auspicious moment as sunrise on the mythological date related to the rebirth of the sun… hummmmm…..

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A Toltec Artist Awe at Life

There is a compelling need at this moment in time to clarify and share with all my friends what it means to be a Toltec…. Walk it in your own way…. This is all I ask, that everyone become themselves in the face of the greatest and grandest mystery of all, life.  

This is a truly magical life.  The magic comes in the form of constant energy pulsing through every part of creation.  The magic can be seen and witnessed everywhere.  The magic is the magic which I chose to call the “nagual.”  “Nagi” means spirit, “nagual” means spirit animal or double… We as humans can have two constantly different experiences of any moment.  Those two experiences are in flux like water moving through the stream and around the boulders as it flows.  The other side of the magic for me is the music of the physical sphere which hums and vibrates with the radiance of this beautiful world in which we live.  The dance is always between these two and to flow in and out of every moment in awe and wonder at life itself. 

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Double Vision

Time is a false harbinger of growth and intent.  Time seems straight lined and connected, but the warrior questions this assumption.  While we are always moving through time in a line, we are not aware in a line.  We are aware more like a circle, or better, we are aware as a process of nested spheres one inside of the other.  This nesting can, if walked well, be brought into harmonious integrity, or it could be rotten at many layers in a manner that does not allow for any further expansion.

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Power Spots

The warrior hunts power, but not the power over others; not the power to control anything; certainly not the power of manipulation.  What the warrior hunts is personal power, the ability to infuse his life with a richness which comes from seeing the world in a new way every moment of every day.  Personal power allows the warrior to see in 360 degrees along every axis available.  Personal power allows the warrior to defeat the predatory foreign installation as it sparks even a microgram of disruption within his being.  Personal power allows the warrior to walk with awareness through the jungle and fly with the eagles over it at the same time.  Personal power is what the ordinary world is constantly attempting to take from the warrior. 

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